Climbing outside of London
Although London isn't blessed with great outdoor rock climbing locations within the M25 it does make up for this with fantastic transport links so decent outdoor rock climbing isn't more than a few hours away. Below is a list of the most accessible locations from London and information on how to get there and what you will find.
Climbing, especially in the outdoors, is a dangerous activity so you should be fully prepared and have the adequate skills to climb confidently and safely.

​In the UK we are blessed with a huge variety of outdoor locations varying in rock type, from huge boulders and daunting outcrops, sea cliffs and stacks to isolated crags, each one lending itself to different styles of climbing.
Stay informed and check the Access Notes and Codes of Practice below before you climb in the outdoors
UKClimbing.com has an interactive crag location map which can help you find a climbing venue.

Dedicated by The BMC as Open Access land. See map here; http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/ourwork/enjoying/places/openaccess/default.aspx
Follow this link for the definitive Code of Practice for climbing on southern sandstone;

There are loads of great climbing areas in the UK all of which are all accessible from London to a certain degree, but we have focused on those we feel are the easiest to reach and could be climbed easily in a committed day-trip.