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Best Climbing Wall in London

Well it’s official and It’s The Arch , hurrah!

In a survey of over 250 London climbers conducted by the London Climbing Guides Facebook Page, we can officially say we have an answer to the question “What is the best climbing wall in London”?

Topping the poll was the superb Arch 2 (A.k.a. The Biscuit Factory), A great triumph given the fact that the Centre only opened in March 2012 and whilst being a vast and comprehensive Centre only caters for bouldering, whereas other Center’s have roped and lead climbing in their arsenal. We wonder whether the legacy at The Arch at London Bridge has helped out here?

2nd place went to the ever-popular Castle Climbing Centre (gaining 23% of the votes) beating its closest rivals to the 2nd place. No surprise given the climbing legacy the Castle has but we wonder how much they would have liked to take the top spot!

3rd place went to the Westway narrowly beating 4th placed Mile End by 1 vote. A great show from these 2 centres, who received some great praise from one of the respondents with “Mile End.....synthetic wall.....real people.”

Credit to the White Spider (10% of the votes),The Reach (8%) and Craggy Island 2 (6%) still showing a good number of response and votes overall but losing out to their more established rivals

May be the biggest surprise was the fact that Urban Ascent received no votes, hopefully not a reflection of the overall attitude of the London Climbing Community.

That’s it then, a massive round of applause to the team at The Arch, for building and running an absolutley sterling centre, you thoroughly deserve the top spot!

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